Wednesday, July 6, 2011

NYC Ukulele Meetup Jam and Open Mike July 8, 2011

Every second Friday of the month will be the NYC Ukulele Meetup jam and open mic.

Bring 2-3 songs to share with and as many copies of each song to pass along to the group.

Or you can just work out a song your doing on the mic.

Oh and don't forget to bring your ukuleles.

A donation bucket will be there to help our efforts at this space.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Uke Hut Showcase and Open Mike
July 1, 2011 - Friday

7:30 pm Tom Gambino

8:00 pm Lauren LaRouge

8:30pm Adrienne Pattino

9:00 pm John Bianchi

9:30 pm Khabu